Saturday, March 7, 2020

Michigan Auto Industry Disruptor Tesla Inc's Top-Tier Executives Average Annual Pay and Employee Benefits Increase Was an Almost Unbelievable 153,474% Per Year During the Past Five Years. This is What Happens When Tesla's CEO Has His Total Compensation Grow From $50,000 in Annual 2017 to $2.284 Bil in Annual 2018.

From annual compensation information contained in Proxy Statement filings with the US SEC, the table below shows Tesla Inc's Top-Tier Executives Annual Total Compensation for each of the two consecutive full years of employment for the past five years.

Tesla Inc2018201720172016201620152015201420142013
$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s$ 000s
 Musk CEO  2,284,045           50          50          46          46          38          38          35          35          70
 Straubel Chief Technology Officer       11,667         250        250     7,928     7,928        251        251   17,131   17,131        468
 Ahuja Former CFO  N/A  N/A           N/A  N/A      3,784        338
 Field SVP, Engineering      9,152     2,420     2,420     3,116   
 Wheeler Former CFO  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A    
 McNeill Former President, Sales and Service      2,436     6,465
 Reichow VP, Production      1,145     5,251     5,251        225
 Guillen VP, Service and Deliveries      4,487        264
 Totals  2,295,712         300   11,888   16,859   10,394     3,405     1,434   22,417   30,688     1,365
Annual % Change vs Prior Year765,137%-29.5%205.3%-93.6%2148.2%
5 Year Average Per Year % Change153,474%