Saturday, October 13, 2018

Iowa Companies 2017 Earnings Have To Be Broken Down To Understand Them: But There Clearly Is A Huge Economic Unfairness Here With the Losers Being Cos Outside of the Des Moines Insurance Corridor and Non-Insurance Cos Inside This Corridor ...............................................................................

From a review of US SEC filings, there were 15 Companies effectively headquartered in Iowa with a stock market cap of more than $1 Bil recently.

Here’s the almost unbelievable news on 2017 Earnings of these 15 Iowa Companies.

There are 5 Insurance Cos in the Des Moines Insurance Corridor and these Companies Posted Total Pretax Income Growth of 67% in 2017 above that in 2016.

There are 2 Cos in the Des Moines Area which are not Insurance Cos and They Posted a Total Pretax Income Decline of 64% in 2017 below that in 2016.

And there are 8 Iowa Cos Outside of the Des Moines Area and They Posted a Total Pretax Income Decline of 17% in 2017 below that in 2016.

Something Really Smells Here.  The Chicago Cubs should take a look at its Triple A Affiliate because not exactly courageous Iowa politicians appear to have no interest investigating here.  

Nearly all Republicans, a high percentage of Independents and even many perceptive Democrats all agree as a starting point that for US capitalism to work properly, Companies must generate in the aggregate reasonably healthy profits.  

These reasonably healthy profits just didn't even come close to happening in 2017 for Iowa Cos located outside of the Des Moines Insurance Corridor and also for Iowa Non-Insurance Cos located inside the Des Moines Insurance Corridor.

And the Insurance Cos located in the Des Moines Corridor likewise didn't get reasonably healthy profits in 2017, instead they got clearly unreasonably excessive profits.  No one has better Insurance Cos than the ones in New York and how did the Top 13 there perform on the earnings front in 2017?  Their Total Pretax Income dropped by 12% in 2017 from that in 2016.  Just saying.
My focus is on Pretax Income rather than on After-Tax Net Income because Income Taxes are simply a transfer of financial wealth between US Corporations and the US Federal, US State and Foreign Governments.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with Company Operating Performance.

From a review of SEC filings, the chart below shows the Audited Gold-Standard US GAAP Pretax Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations for the Fiscal Years Ended 2017, 2016 and 2015 for these 15 Iowa Companies.

2017 2016 2015 2017 2016
Audited Audited Audited Better Better
Pretax Pretax Pretax (Worse) (Worse)
Iowa Companies City State 2017 Income Income Income Than Than
Stock Market Caps Above $1 Bil HQs HQs FYE (Loss) (Loss) (Loss) 2016 2015
 $ mils  $ mils  $ mils % %
Cos Outside of Des Moines Insurance Corridor
Rockwell Collins Cedar Rapids IA Sep 17                 931            935            962 0% -3%
Heartland USA Dubuque IA Dec 17                 119            117              81 2% 44%
Winnebago Industries Forest City IA Aug 17                 108              66              60 64% 10%
HNI Corp Muscatine IA Dec 17                   71            129            157 -45% -18%
Heartland Express North Liberty IA Dec 17                   64              86            117 -26% -26%
United Fire Group Cedar Rapids IA Dec 17                   16              57            115 -72% -50%
Workiva Ames IA Dec 17                 (44)             (44)             (43) 0% -2%
Renewable Energy Group Ames IA Dec 17               (110)              49           (160) -324% 131%
Total all 8 Cos Outside Des Moines Area              1,155         1,395         1,289 -17% 8%
Des Moines Area
Des Moines Area Insurance Cos
Principal Financial Des Moines IA Dec 17              2,252         1,592         1,431 41% 11%
Athene Holding Ltd West Des Moines IA Dec 17              1,535            716            590 114% 21%
FGL Holdings Des Moines IA Sep 17                 333            153            182 118% -16%
American Equity Investment Life West Des Moines IA Dec 17                 316            130            337 143% -61%
FBL Financial Group West Des Moines IA Dec 17                 154            153            161 1% -5%
Total all 5 Des Moines Area Insurance Cos              4,590         2,744         2,701 67% 2%
Des Moines Area Non-Insurance Cos
Casey's General Stores Ankeny IA Apr 17                 214            270            349 -21% -23%
Meredith Des Moines IA Jun 18                 (10)            290            110 -103% 164%
Total 2 Des Moines Area Non-Insurance Cos                 204            560            459 -64% 22%
Total all 15 Iowa Cos              5,949         4,699         4,449 27% 6%