Wednesday, February 20, 2013

US Big Tobacco Corps 4Q 2012 Earnings Up 8%

There are 4 US Tobacco Corps filing with the SEC and which also generated Adjusted After-tax Net Income of more than $100 mil in either the 4Q 2012 or in the 4Q 2011. 

These 4 US Big Tobacco Corps generated Total Adjusted After-tax Net Income of $3,934 mil in the 4Q 2012, up 8% over the 4Q 2011.  The main driver of this 8% total earnings growth was Phillip Morris International.

Below is the Ongoing, Adjusted After-tax Net Income of these 4 Big US Tobacco Corps for both the 4Q 2012 and the 4Q 2011.

4Q 2012 4Q 2011


Adjusted Adjusted Increase Increase
  Net Net (Decrease) (Decrease)
  Income Income Amount %

mils of $s mils of $s mils of $s

Big Tobacco Corps

Phillip Morris International 2,095 1,886 209 11%
Altria Group 1,110 1,030 80 8%
Reynolds American 425 420 5 1%
Lorillard 304 295 9 3%

Total all 4 3,934 3,631 303 8%