Friday, August 18, 2017

US Mid-Sized and Smaller 1,299 Companies With Stock Market Caps Predominately From $1-10 Bil Had Their Total Earnings Growth Decelerate Precipitously Over Their Prior Year's Quarter From Up 1,076% in the December 2016 Quarter, Obama's Last Full Quarter in Office, To Up 164% in the March 2017 Quarter and To Up 51% So Far (99% Have Reported) in the June 2017 Quarter, Trump's First Full Quarter in Office ....................................................................................... Total Earnings Growth of 51% in the June 2017 Quarter Drops Down To 18% Growth When All 117 US Oil & Gas Companies Are Removed ....................................................................................... With Much Help From the Trump Adminisrtation and Especially From Insights Provided By Ex ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, the 117 US Oil & Gas Companies Generated June 2017 Quarter Total Earnings of $2.2 Bil, An Earnings Improvement of $8.0 Bil From the June 2016 Total Losses of $5.8 Bil ....................................................................................... After US Oil & Gas, US Technology 197 Companies Lead the Pack, Despite Unsuccessful Attempts By the Trump Administration to Slow Them Down, With June 2017 Quarter Total Earnings Up a Massive 84% From the June 2016 Quarter ....................................................................................... The 374 Financial Companies Had Their Total June Quarter 2017 Earnings Increase By a Very Robust 36% From the June 2016 Quarter, But When MetLife Spinoff Brighthouse Financial, Which Reported $3 Bil of Net Derivative Losses in the June 2016 Quarter, and Icahn Enterprises, Which Recorded $1.5 Bil of Gains From Asset Dispositions in the June 2017 Quarter, Are Both Excluded, This 36% Total Earnings Growth Drops Down To a Still Fine 13%, With Much Help Coming From US Fed Chair Janet Yellen ....................................................................................... With Persistent Derisive Twitter Attacks From the Trump Administration, the 144 US Health Care Companies Were Under Severe Earnings Pressure With June 2017 Quarter Total Losses of $2.173 Bil, An Earnings Deterioration of $3.191 Bil From the June 2016 Quarter Total Earnings of $1.018 Bil ....................................................................................... The 41 Retail-Related Companies June 2017 Quarter Total Earnings Declined By 16% ....................................................................................... The 29 Motor Vehicle-Related Companies Posted June 2017 Quarter Earnings Which Declined By 2% ....................................................................................... The 16 Hotels and 9 Electric Services Companies Both Reported June 2017 Quarter Total Earnings Improvements of Roughly $1 Bil Each Over the June 2016 Quarter ....................................................................................... With Much Targeted Help From the Trump Administration, the Coal and Steel Companies Both Generated Total Earnings Improvement of Roughly $400 Mil Each in the June 2017 Quarter ....................................................................................... The 35 Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing Companies, Some of Which Have Oil-Based Products, Posted June 2017 Quarter Total Earnings of $1.9 Bil, Up 36% Over the June 2016 Quarter ....................................................................................... On the Depressing Downside, the Large Number of 158 Other Manufacturing Companies Generated Total Earnings in the June 2017 Quarter of $5.4 Bil, Down 3% From the June 2016 Quarter ....................................................................................... And Even More Depressing Was That the Even Larger Number of 170 Companies in Other Industries Posted June 2017 Quarter Total Earnings of $4.9 Bil, Which Was a Much Steeper Decline of 20% From the June 2016 Quarter

From a review of the Google Finance Website and of company financial statements in the US SEC website, I found the 1,299 Companies headquartered in the US with Stock Market Capitalizations of predominately between $1 Bil and $10 Bil very recently, which have June Quarter Ends and which have filed their June 2017 Quarter Financial Statements with the SEC.  Traditional Predominately Regulated Utilities were excluded.

The chart below shows a summary by Industry of the Total Reported US GAAP Earnings (Losses) From Continuing Operations for the Quarters Ended June 2017 and 2016 for these 1,299 medium-sized and smaller US Companies.

June June

2017 2016

Quarter Quarter Total Total

Total Total Net Net

Net Net Income Income
Income Income Better Better
Industry # of Cos (Loss) (Loss) (Worse) (Worse)

 $ mils  $ mils  $ mils %

Oil & Gas          117            2,168          (5,844)            8,012 NM
Technology          197            3,097            1,681            1,416 84%
Financial          374          23,926          17,597            6,329 36%
Health Care          144          (2,173)            1,018          (3,191) NM
Retail Related            41            1,633            1,950             (317) -16%
Motor Vehicle Related            29            2,027            2,068               (41) -2%
Coal              4                 12             (366)               378 NM
Steel              5               529               127               402 317%
Chemicals            35            1,908            1,402               506 36%
Other Manufacturing          158            5,442            5,622             (180) -3%
Hotels            16          (1,025)          (2,017)               992 -49%
Electic Services              9             (270)          (1,323)            1,053 -80%
Other          170            4,866            6,067          (1,202) -20%

Total       1,299          42,140          27,982          14,158 51%