Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The 8 Mississippi Cos With March, April or May 2018 Quarter Ends (The First Full Quarter of the Trump Tax Cuts Act), With Market Caps of At Least $100 Mil and Which Have Released These 2018 Quarter Earnings By July 5, 2018 Generated March, April or May 2018 Quarter Total Pretax Income (PTI) of $388 Mil, Up 7.2% From Their Previous Year's Quarter Total PTI of $362 Mil .......................................................................................

From a review of SEC filings, the below chart shows the US GAAP Pretax Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations, the US GAAP Net Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations and the related US GAAP Income Tax Expense for the March, April or May 2018 and 2017 Quarters for all US Companies including both Partnerships and REITs which are Headquartered in the US State of Mississippi with March, April or May 2018 Quarter Ends, with stock market caps of at least $100 Mil recently and which have released their March, April or May 2018 Quarter Earnings by July 5, 2018.

Pretax Net
 US GAAP   US GAAP  Income Income
 US GAAP   US GAAP   US GAAP   US GAAP   US GAAP   US GAAP   Effective   Effective  Better Better
  Pretax  Income  Net   Pretax  Income  Net  Income   Income  (Worse) (Worse)
  Income Tax Income Income Tax Income Tax Tax % Change % Change
Mississippi Company (Loss) Expense (Loss) (Loss) Expense (Loss) Rate Rate March, March,
Market Caps of $100 Mil+ March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, April or April or
Releasing March, April or April or April or April or April or April or April or April or April or May Qtr May Qtr
 May 2018 Quarter May Qtr May Qtr May Qtr May Qtr May Qtr May Qtr May Qtr May Qtr 2018 2018
Earnings By July 5, 2018 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2018 2017 vs 2017 vs 2017
mils $ mils $ mils $ mils $ mils $ mils $  
Hancock Whitney             89             16             73             66             17             49 18.0% 25.8% 35% 49%
BancorpSouth Bank             68             15             53             57             19             38 22.1% 33.3% 19% 39%
Callon Petroleum             56              -               56             47              -               47 0.0% 0.0% 19% 19%
Sanderson Farms             55             13             42           103             36             67 23.6% 35.0% -47% -37%
Renasant Corp             44             10             34             35             11             24 22.7% 31.4% 26% 42%
Trustmark Corp             42               5             37             40               9             31 11.9% 22.5% 5% 19%
East Group Properties             29              -               29             13              -               13 0.0% 0.0% 123% 123%
First Bancshares               5               1               4               1              -                 1 20.0% 0.0% 400% 300%
Total all 8 Mississippi Cos           388             60           328           362             92           270 15.5% 25.4% 7.2% 21%