Sunday, December 14, 2014

Which Democratic US Senators Are Huge Income Inequality Expanders? Watch The Upcoming Vote on Tax Extenders

Income Inequality is by far the key issue facing the country.  The US Presidential Candidate presenting the best solution for closing this enormous and continually expanding Income Inequality gap will be the next US President.

Normally, the Democratic Presidential Candidate would be the one clearly winning the Income Inequality Narrowing Issue.  But not with the present makeup of the Democrats in the US Congress.

Nearly all Democrats in the US Congress say they are for Income Inequality Narrowing but more than half of the US Democratic Senators continually vote for further expansion of Income Inequality.

I have a lot more respect for a Republican US Senator who says he/she is not for Income Inequality Narrowing and votes consistently for Income Inequality Expansion than I do for a US Senator who goes on and on about how he/she is for Income Inequality Narrowing but then deceptively and continually votes for Income Inequality Expansion on nearly all critical legislation.....just to name two of the many.....Chuck Schumer and Mark Warner.

There have been two critical very recent pieces of legislation that are substantial Income Inequality Expanding.

The first one was the 2015 US Federal Government Spending bill which was passed last night.  There are many portions of it which are Income Inequality Expanding, but there are three portions of it which are particularly massive Income Inequality Expanding:
  1.  Putting US taxpayers on the hook financially for huge Derivative Losses from Gambling by Financial Institutions.   
  2.  Increasing the maximum amount US citizens can contribute to political campaigns tenfold to more than $3 million.
  3. Permitting Companies to cut their monthly pension payments to retired employees by up to 50%.
Below here are the 31 Democratic US Senators voting for this massively Income Inequality Expansion legislation even though nearly all of them have been on record publicly for being in favor of Income Inequality Narrowing, including all of the US Democratic Senate Leadership other than Elizabeth Warren.
  1. Harry Reid
  2. Chuck Schumer
  3. Dick Durbin
  4. Patty Murray
  5. Pat Leahy
  6. Debbie Stabenow
  7. Mark Begich
  8. Tammy Baldwin
  9. Michael Bennet
  10. Ben Cardin
  11. Tom Carper
  12. Bob Casey
  13. Chris Coons
  14. Joe Donnelly
  15. Kay Hagan
  16. Martin Heinrich
  17. Heidi Heitkamp
  18. Tim Johnson
  19. Tim Kaine
  20. Mary Landrieu
  21. Barb Mikulski
  22. Chris Murphy
  23. Bill Nelson
  24. Mark Pryor
  25. Jay Rockefeller
  26. Brian Schatz
  27. Jeanne Shaheen
  28. Mark Udall
  29. Tom Udall
  30. John Walsh
  31. Mark Warner
In the next couple of days, it appears that the US Senate will be voting on Tax Extenders, the overwhelming majority of which are simply massive Income Inequality Expanding Tax Loopholes, which overwhelmingly favor Large Corporations and the very wealthy, with nothing in the way of US job creation and also with a huge increase in the US Debt.  Frankly, US citizens are flat out tired of the US Congress, both parties, knuckling under to the demands of blood-sucking K Street lobbyists rather than working for the US middle and lower economic classes.

It should be interesting to see which Democratic US Senators will vote for these Insidious Tax Extenders.  When I publish the list, you are going to see many of the above names appearing again and some new names.  Any names on both lists should be targeted in their next Democratic primary by a candidate who is a true Income Inequality Narrower.