Saturday, November 16, 2013

Alaska Non-Profit Hospital Earnings On Fire Under Obamacare

From an examination of Seattle area-headquartered Non-Profit Hospital Organization Providence Health & Services' most recent audited financial statements included in the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA), there was a Supplementary Section that broke down Providence Health's Balance Sheet and Operating Statement by State.

The Net Assets of the Alaska Region of Providence Health were a huge $816 mil at December 31, 2012, thus making it the only large Health System in Alaska.

The Bottom Line Profits of the Alaska Region of Providence Health were $103 mil in the the most recent year ended December 31, 2012, which was a very robust increase of 41% over the $73 mil earned in the prior year.

This $103 mil Bottom Line Profit was a very substantial 14.1% of Total Operating Revenues generated in 2012 of $731 mil.  As a comparison, the Combined Bottom Line Profit Margin of the prestigious 30 Dow Industrial companies was a substantially lower 9.6% of their Total Revenues in the most recent year.

When you compare the 14.1% Total Bottom Line Profit Margin of this Alaska Non-Profit Hospital Organization with the 9.6% Total Bottom Line Profit Margin of the 30 Dow Industrials, which are some of the very best For-Profit US companies, the clear conclusion is that the earnings of this Alaska Non-Profit Hospital Organization in the most recent year were clearly on fire.