Friday, October 13, 2023

US Government Bonds Declined In Value By Nearly 25% From the Summer of 2020 To Early in the Past Week

 US Government Bonds have now declined in value by nearly 25% since the summer of 2020 ..... their steepest decline in US history.

Who is primarily responsible for this?
It's clearly the US Fed under the leadership of US Fed Chair Jerome Powell.
And it's also the two US Presidents who appointed Jerome Powell as US Fed Chair: Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
And it's also the more than 80% of the US Senate who confirmed Jerome Powell as US Fed Chair both times he was appointed.
The two US political parties have already effectively coronated both Trump and Biden as their US Presidential nominee for 2024.
And close to 70% of the American people have said that they do not want either Trump or Biden to run for US President in 2024.
Given that, is the US now really a Democracy?