Saturday, October 12, 2024

The 16 Largest Pennsylvania Cos With Stock Market Caps Above $20 Bil Saw Their Total Audited Annual Earnings Increase By an Off-the-Charts Average of 45% Per Year During the First Three Full Years of the Biden/Harris Admin, Decline By a Very Disappointing Average of 8% Per Year During the Trump/Pence Admin's Four Years in Office, and Increase Superbly By an Average of 21% Per Year During Obama/Biden Admin's Eight Years in Office

From a review of predominately, of Largest American Companies By Market Capitalization and of Company SEC filings in the SEC website, there were 16 Pennsylvania Companies with stock markets caps above $20 Bil in early October 2024.  

From Company financial statements contained in the SEC website, the table below shows the Audited Gold-Standard US GAAP Consolidated Net Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations for each of these 16 largest Pennsylvania Companies for FYE 2023, the Biden/Harris Administration's third full year in office, for FYE 2020, the Trump/Pence Administration's last year in office, for FYE 2016, the Obama/Biden Administration's last year in office and for FYE 2008, the Bush/ Cheney Administration's last year in office.