From a review of, of, of the Google Finance website and of Company SEC filings, there were 15 Washington State Companies with stock markets caps above $10 Bil sometime during the month of August 2022.
From Company financial statements contained in the SEC website, the table below shows the Audited Gold-Standard US GAAP Consolidated Net Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations for each of these 15 largest Washington State Companies for 2021, the Biden Administration's first year in office, for 2020, the Trump Administration's last year in office, for 2016, the Obama Administration's last year in office and for 2008, the Bush Administration's last year in office.
I isolated out Microsoft, which comprised a huge 60% of the Total Earnings of these 15 Washington State Companies in annual 2021, since its unusual earnings growth trend was predominately due to a change in CEOs from someone who was elderly and no longer having a good feel for what works in technology to someone much younger and exceptionally tech savvy and who is now perhaps the premier CEO in the world.