Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Reddit Group Movement is Acting Like the US Fed in Creating Artificially High Common Stock Prices. In the Reddit's Case, This is Driven By Punishing the Gambling Hedge Fund Short Sellers of Struggling Companies.

The Reddit Group Movement is doing precisely what the US Fed has done ….. decouple the market values of common stocks from their intrinsic values from company fundamentals.


The Reddit Group Movement’s investment in common stocks were driven by their desire to punish hedge funds that sell common stocks of poorly-performing companies short with the expectation that they can buy the common stock in the future at a substantially lower price and thus make a nice profit.  By selling common stocks short, these hedge funds are not investing in the stock market but rather gambling that something negative will happen to the company’s stock price.


The Reddit Group Movement’s huge investment in these struggling companies have been very successful in short-squeezing the hedge fund to buy the common stock at a much higher price and take a huge loss rather than their expected profit.


The Reddit Group Movement’s huge investment in these struggling companies have pushed the stock prices of these companies so high that they are now monumentally overvalued based on these companies’ actual and expected earnings and their estimated discounted cash flows.


But it doesn’t make any difference because stock market prices are based on buyers and sellers.  If there are more buyers than sellers, the stock prices rise ….. and oh how there have been more buyers than sellers so far in the Reddit Group Movement.


The overall US economy really sucked in 2020 with a GDP decline of 3.5%, the worst decline since 1946.


But even more importantly, when the books are all closed for 2020, the Total Gold-Standard US GAAP Pretax Income of all US Companies Combined will decline by more than 10% and these will be audited numbers by highly-respected, independent CPA accounting professionals.  GDP numbers are not nearly as accurate since they are simply the grinding out of so many gigantic numbers with many assumptions baked into them by many economists.


So why has the overall US stock market increased so much in such a horrible year economically?


It has all been driven by the actions of the US Fed which artificially increased the stock market prices substantially above what their true intrinsic values are fundamentally.


First, the US Fed has bought and is continuing to buy trillions and trillions of dollars of US Bonds and of risky US Corporate Bonds.


What that does is create liquidity ….. trillions and trillions of more cash available for investors to invest.


And second, the US Fed drove down short and intermediate-term interest rates on T-Bills and on Notes to almost 0%.  And the interest rates on longer-term Notes and Bonds have followed suit in lock-step and thus have also seen their interest rates drop precipitously.


So all of the substantial increase in liquidity that the US Fed has created has gone into the US stock market rather than into Debt Securities because the interest you can earn on the Debt Securities is so incredibly miniscule.


And to top it off, smart money sees beforehand that the result of this US Fed action will inevitably create a huge increase in stock market prices since there will be so many more buyers than sellers of common stock and thus beforehand this smart money goes long on common stocks creating an even much more artificially-inflated common stock market divorced from fundamentals.

And to put much more kindling on this fire, the many Technical Chart analysts push these stock prices of struggling companies to even higher levels by the strategies they use to quickly buy rising common stock prices and also ones that are breaking out.

The Reddit Group is just showing how they can create artificially high common stock prices just like the US Fed has.


The US Fed gets effusive praise for its actions but the Reddit Group gets vilified by many for doing simply the same thing.  Go Figure!