Legally HQed in Ireland Drug Co Allergan plc 4Q 2017 Net Income Was $3.508 Bil, Up a Massive 90 TIMES or Up By $3.548 Bil From the 4Q 2016 Net Loss of $40 Mil ....................................................................................... $3.500 Bil or 99.8% of Allergan's 4Q 2017 Net Income of $3.508 Bil As Well As 98.6% of Allergan's $3.548 Bil Net Income Improvement From the 4Q 2016 Was Solely Due To a 4Q 2017 Income Tax Benefit of $3.500 Bil Resulting From the US Tax Debt Forgiveness Feature in the US Trump Tax Bill ....................................................................................... So Allergan Moves Its Legal HQs From California USA and New Jersey USA To the Tax-Haven of Ireland In Order To Save Income Taxes and the US Trump Tax Bill Now Rewards Allergan To the Tune of $3.5 Bil in US Tax Debt Forgiveness? I Say the US Trump Tax Bill Is Horribly Designed in So Many Ways