Chicago IL-Based Exelon is First Large US Regulated Utility Company To Disclose the Entire Amount of Its US Tax Debt Which Was Forgiven By the US Trump Tax Bill and It's a Whopper of $1.9 Bil Which Increases Its 4Q 2017 Earnings and Another $7.3 Bil Related To Past Overpaid Utility Bills Paid By Regulated Utility Customers ................................................................................ Here's a paragraph in Exelon's 4Q 2017 Earnings Release addressing this issue which is so critical to Past and Present Utility Customers "On Dec. 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law the TCJA. The Registrants remeasured their existing deferred income tax balances as of Dec. 31, 2017, to reflect the decrease in the corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, which resulted in a material decrease to their net deferred income tax liability balances. At Generation, this reduction in net deferred income tax liabilities resulted in a one-time credit to income tax expense of approximately $1.9 billion. The Utility Registrants offset virtually all similar reductions, totaling $7.3 billion, with net regulatory liabilities (rather than through earnings), given that changes in income taxes are generally passed through customer rates. The amount and timing of potential refunds of the established net regulatory liabilities will be determined by the Utility Registrants’ respective rate regulators, subject to certain IRS "normalization" rules." ....................................................................................... If the Big Utility Industry Thinks That The Present and Past Utility Customers Are Going To Accept Anything Other Than a Quick Timely Cash Refund of All of Their Past Overpaid Monthly Utility Bills, Then They Are Way Out-Of-Touch With Where the American People Are On This Issue ....................................................................................... When the IRS Audits a Taxpayer and Says You Owe Them Another $500, They Don't Let You Change Your Future Tax Rates and Instead Demands Immediate Payment