Chicago-Based Railcar Lessor GATX 4Q 2017 Net Income Was $342 Mil, ELEVEN TIMES Its 4Q 2016 Net Income of $31 Mil ...................................................................................... The Off-the-Charts 4Q 2017 Earnings Increase Was All Driven By the Corporate Debt Forgiveness Granted to GATX in the Trump Tax Bill ...................................................................................... I Found Very Interesting This Comment GATX Made in Its 4Q 2017 Earnings Release "The ultimate impact of the Tax Act may differ from these estimates, due to, among other things, changes in interpretations and assumptions made by GATX, additional guidance that may be issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and actions that GATX may take." ...................................................................................... If the US Government's Treasury Dept Starts Dictating US GAAP, the US Financial Reporting System Will No Longer Be the Envy of the World