Monday, December 10, 2012

US Fiscal Cliff Trade Off #23: Charge Excess Greed Fees on and Give Tax Incentives to Big Financial Institutions to Spur Refinancings of Underwater Home Mortgages

Excessive greed in the Big Financial Industry was the main cause of the US financial meltdown in 2008, which is continuing to have horrible economic aftershocks.

But this excessive greed in the Big Financial Industry is still very prevalent.  Thus, it only makes sense that the US Government takes steps to soften this excessive greed in the Big Financial Industry, and at the same time, there can be a lot of money raised that can be used to reduce the US Debt, and help solve the current US fiscal cliff crisis.

In this light, I make the following recommendation.

For all situations where a Big Financial Institution holds an underwater home mortgage, it should be assessed a 25% annual Excess Greed Fee on the difference between the annual interest income received on these underwater loans versus what the annual interest income received would have been if the homeowner was permitted to refinance at the current interest rates. 

Further, the US Government starts giving Greed-Softening Tax Incentives to all financial institutions which permit an underwater mortgage loan to be refinanced at the lower current interest rate.

And lastly, the US Government sets maximum total refinancing costs which can be charged by the Big Financial Institution when an underwater mortgage is refinanced to the current lower interest rate. 

This one is a four-fer. 

First, it is fair, by penalizing Big Financial Institutions which greedily refuse to permit underwater homeowners from refinancing their mortgage loans. 

Second, it provides both a carrot…..a Greed-Softening Tax Incentive…..and a stick… Excess Greed Fee, which both highly incentivize Big Financial Institutions to permit underwater homeowners to refinance to the current lower interest rates.

Third, since this puts much more money in the hands of these underwater homeowners, this will provide much stimulus to the consumer-driven US economy.

And fourth, the US Debt is reduced, thereby helping to solve the current US fiscal cliff crisis.