Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Why Ohio Financial Cos Love US Senator Sherrod Brown? You Would To If Your Annual Income Increased By an Off-the-Charts Simple Average of 35% Per Year over the Past 15 Years!

Sherrod Brown was elected a US Senator from Ohio in 2007, more than 17 years ago. 

He had expertise in financial matters and he was aware of the prestige of the Ohio Banks and it other Financial Institutions.

So being a really politically astute guy, Sherrod Brown knew that he could make his mark in Banking

So he got appointed to be a member of the critical US Senate Banking Committee.

He was a quick learner, especially because the horrific US financial meltdown of 2008 became was center stage in the US Senate Banking Committee as well as in the country at large.

All of the Ohio Banks and Insurance Companies were bludgeoned in 2008.

I'll focus on the Smaller Banks later in another post.  But here I will address the 9 Ohio Financial Cos which have Stock Market Caps of more than $1 Bil presently.

With the 2008 Financial Meltdown, these 9 Financial Cos posted Total Audited Losses of $2.9 Bil in annual 2008.

Because of his exceptional understanding of the financial industry and how to best fix it, Brown was eventually appointed the Chair of the key US Senate Banking Committee.

To quantify how he performed, these 9 Ohio Financial Cos generated Total Audited Profits in the most recent 2023 annual year of $12.3 Bil, which equates to a Total Annual Earnings increase of a whopping $15.2 Bil, which resulted in a simple average of 35% per year over the most recent 15 years from 2008 to 2023.  Wow!

From Company SEC filings, the below table discloses the individual performance of each of these 9 Ohio Financial Cos.